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    User Reviews & Ratings - CHANCA PIEDRA

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    User Reviews

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    Reason for taking: Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis...
    5/14/2018 1:22:28 AM

    Reviewer: 55-64 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    Yesterday I suffered with acute pain from a kidney stone or stones. For 8 hrs straight, I felt like I was in labor, only it was constant. But I did not want to go the hospital route. My daughter found chanca online, and fortunately it was in stock at a health store a few miles away. It was in a tincture with a few other herbs, and called stone breaker. I drank a dropped full in a glass of water, a ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis...
    5/12/2018 1:55:40 PM

    Reviewer: CariJ, 65-74 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    2018 5-12: I have had 3 bouts with kidney stones. After my 2nd bout, we ordered this. I woke up to pain yesterday. I passed my stone in one day. In the past, I would be in terrible pain for days. A miracle! Thank you.

    Reason for taking: Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis...
    4/24/2018 11:00:03 AM

    Reviewer: Larae33055, 55-64 on Treatment for less than 1 month


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I had to kidney stones 4mm the first one I went to the hospital because of the pain and passed it the next day the second one I was so stressed out not knowing when it would come so I ordered chanca Piedra took one in the morning an hour before eating one at supper an hour before eating and later on at night on an empty stomach. 2 weeks later I passed the second one with absolutely no pain. I don& ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis...
    4/16/2018 2:48:31 PM

    Reviewer: jjf255, 65-74 on Treatment for 2 to less than 5 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I have suffered with kidney stones over the last 12 years...with one approximately every year. I was always able to pass them but not without a couple days of excruciating pain. I started taking Herb Pharm chanca piedra liquid about a year and a half ago with my last stone. It passed after a day of taking it and a few days later I passed some very tiny stones. Because of my history of continually ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis...
    4/14/2018 10:48:25 AM

    Reviewer: None, 45-54 on Treatment for 5 to less than 10 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    After years of kidney stones, (3 surgery�s in 2013) I tried Chanca, lemon juice, magnesium, B6 daily supplementals. It�s 2018 and ZERO stones, good liver and kidney function. Something is working and I�m not willing to reduce any supplements.

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