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    User Reviews & Ratings - MULLEIN

    Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of MULLEIN.

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    66 Total User Reviews

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    User Reviews

    1-5 of 22 Next»
    Reason for taking: Other
    6/11/2021 10:27:52 PM

    Reviewer: 13-18 Male on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 4

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 4


    Reason for taking: Other
    4/8/2021 7:32:24 PM

    Reviewer: owls, 19-24 Male on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I've had terrible pneumonia, so bad that even codeine based cough syrups are unable to effectively suppress my symptoms. I've been drinking this stuff as a tea, and it helped to some degree. Without it, my cough gets really bad. It seems to suppress appetite though. I decided to make an oil lamp with the herb suspended in the oil to see if the smoke would improve my lung condition. Eve ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Other
    8/22/2016 7:08:16 PM

    Reviewer: prozie, 65-74 Female on Treatment for 1 to less than 2 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I have been taking mullein leaf capsules for 1 year to open my sinuses and to receive a related earache at the suggestion of someone else. Found the caps online. This in the AM plus vitamin C and 1 tablet of bio-rutin complex b4 sleep and my decades long severe reaction to petroleum distillates (in many household products) and Smog) has virtually disappeared.

    Reason for taking: Other
    5/22/2016 3:42:43 PM

    Reviewer: Joe, 45-54 Male on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)

    Brand Product: Other


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I had a persistent cough for weeks. Stopped on the way home and cut some mullein. Chewed part of the leaf. Instant relief. It took the rest home and made a tea. Drinking it daily to relieve my cough. Great stuff.

    Reason for taking: Other
    5/20/2015 10:05:19 PM

    Reviewer: m005kennedy , 55-64 Male on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I have been putting a fresh mullein leaf in my sock by my heal for the last 6 days. The horrible pain I had with plantar facetious has been very greatly reduced. I put on in my sock in the morning and one at night. I really can't believe how much better this makes my feet feal . There is almost no pain in the morning when I wake up. My feet use to hurt a great deal in the morning .

    1-5 of 22 Next»
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