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    User Reviews & Ratings - BLACK COHOSH

    Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of BLACK COHOSH.

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    User Reviews

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    Reason for taking:
    8/19/2010 2:53:59 PM

    Reviewer: jeanc, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 6 months to less than 1 year (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 3

    Black Cohash did work for me....but the weight gain after about 6 months was to much for me. I went from about 1-2 hotflashes every hour to about 2-3 a day. I also went from a size 6-8 to a 12-14 in that time period. Nothing else changed, I still eat the same, exercised almost daily. I stopped taking it and 3 weeks later I am back to my regular weight.

    Reason for taking:
    8/11/2010 3:06:12 PM

    Reviewer: lili, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 1 to 6 months (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 1

    I have taken black cohosh for 4 months and it worked almost immediately to lessen the frequency and duration of hot flashes/night sweats. However, it has made me experience lightheadedness and a couple of dizzy spells that resulted in blacking out. My pharmacist thinks this may be an interaction with blood pressure medication (Diovan). Since stopping the black cohosh, the dizziness has dramatic ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking:
    8/9/2010 7:48:24 PM

    Reviewer: 65-74 Female on Treatment for 1 to less than 2 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 4

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 4


    Current Rating: 4


    Reason for taking:
    7/19/2010 12:44:49 PM

    Reviewer: nemomojo, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 5 to less than 10 years


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    About 7 years ago, I went into menopause and did not want to take any of the harmones so I took estroven. It worked for a while, I then graduated to extra strength estroven. It worked for awhile, then I looked up the main ingredient and started buying it in the store. I took the lowest dosage and it worked. I have increased the dosage over the years (5+ years) and would not trade it for nothing el ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking:
    7/11/2010 12:39:36 PM

    Reviewer: tweetypie, 45-54 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I was thrown into early menopause by chemotherapy. I had preventive chemo and radiation after having a lumpectomy that WAS cancer. Hot flashes became unpredictable and unbearable. Especially at night. Awoke many, many times soaking wet and sleep was constantly interrupted.I was told about Black Cohosh by a client. The nights I had the flashes were bad enough, but when I had 1 during the day at wo ... Show Full Comment

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