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    User Reviews & Ratings - CHLORELLA

    Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of CHLORELLA.

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    User Reviews

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    Reason for taking: Other
    1/3/2012 12:48:31 PM

    Reviewer: believer, 75 or over Female on Treatment for 2 to less than 5 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 1

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 1


    Current Rating: 1

    For all of the people who have had a bad experience with Chlorella, I say you have been taking the wrong brand of Chlorella. The BEST brand out there is Sun Chlorella A. Take as directed and you will get along fine. It is the most refined chlorella made and easily digested and absorbed by your body.

    Reason for taking: Other
    8/31/2011 12:37:23 PM

    Reviewer: Laura, 35-44 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 1

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 1


    Current Rating: 1

    I started taking chlorella a few weeks ago starting with a low dosage and working my way up. Immediately after starting, I had a huge increase in phlegm - so much so that my ears were stuffed up. I thought I must have picked up a cold even though I had no fever or typical cold symptoms. I also became severely constipated. After taking a four day break from the chlorella my "cold" disa ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Other
    8/16/2011 5:49:20 PM

    Reviewer: squirrely, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 6 months to less than 1 year (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 5

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I take the Sun Chlorella, I have tried other brands that didn't work as well. I started using it to detox metals and neurotoxins. I started at 1 gram three times a day and had to stay at that for a number of months, I can now tolerate 2 grams 2-3 times a day. It does work well but you have to build up your tolerance. My skin looks great, my blood pressure has gone down and my joints feel bette ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Other
    8/11/2011 7:32:39 PM

    Reviewer: 55-64 Female on Treatment for 1 to less than 2 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 4

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 4

    I've been putting the Jarrow Formula Yeayama Chlorella powder in my morning protein drink for almost a year. I bought it for the sea veggie level vitamins and minerals, as well as the skin cancer-fighting properties I had read about. (My husband gets the occasional skin cancer "horn" and I wanted help him and head it off for me too. I had no idea that it helps fibromyalgia too.) It&# ... Show Full Comment

    Reason for taking: Other
    7/26/2011 11:46:50 PM

    Reviewer: Susan, 55-64 Female on Treatment for 2 to less than 5 years (Consumer)


    Current Rating: 3

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 4


    Current Rating: 4

    l totally agreed that Sun Brand is best as l trust Japanese Products. l have been taking this for some time and l do not have any side effect. l do advise anyone to start off slowly maybe half the quantity first then increase it slowly . In this way you let your system to get use to the foreign food and let it absorb gradually . Dont rush for results, you will see result if you are patient .

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